manufacturing and trading, mechanical platform scales, platform weighing scales

How can I locate Mechanical Platform Scale suppliers in Kampala Uganda?

We supply weighing scales which are portable, low profile platform scales, live side rails, wheels, and handles to ensure versatility and portability to ease movement around the ware houses where weighing positions are always altered.

For any further inquiries, mail or contact us +256 (0) 705 577 823, +256 (0) 775 259 917

digital platform scales, manufacturing and trading, platform weighing scales

What is the price of a UNBS Seal of a Platform Scale in Kampala Uganda?

Accurate Weighing Scales Ltd is one of the world’s leading suppliers of weighing solutions. With over 5 years of experience, the company designs, manufactures, markets and services a broad range of high quality industrial products and weighing systems.

For any further inquiries, mail or contact us +256 (0) 705 577 823, +256 (0) 775 259 917