academia sector, analytical balance, laboratory weigh balance, medical sector

Whose the suppliers of Sartorius laboratory balance scale in Kampala Uganda?

The Hi-Weigh precision models combine essential weighing functionality with competitive performance, offering high accuracy and repeatability for applications in laboratory, industrial and education settings.

For inquiries contact +256 705 577 823

Satorious Analytical Scales 3 Png
academia sector, analytical balance, laboratory weigh balance, medical sector

Analytical balances with high transparent glasses for observation in Kampala Uganda

Our services include annual maintenance contracts, repairs, retrofits, capacity enhancements, installations, civil foundations and calibration. Thank you in advance for allowing Accurate Weighing Scales the privilege to serve you in advance,

For any further inquiries, mail or contact us +256 (0) 705 577 823, +256 (0) 775 259 917