digital platform scales, manufacturing and trading, platform weighing scales

What is the price of a UNBS Seal of a Platform Scale in Kampala Uganda?

Accurate Weighing Scales Ltd is one of the world’s leading suppliers of weighing solutions. With over 5 years of experience, the company designs, manufactures, markets and services a broad range of high quality industrial products and weighing systems.

For any further inquiries, mail or contact us +256 (0) 705 577 823, +256 (0) 775 259 917

digital platform scales, platform weighing scales

Where can i get light duty digital platform weighing scales in Kampala Uganda?

Accurate Weighing Scales a call to make accommodations for a custom-made platform size. Keep in mind: the bigger the platform size, the higher the price will be. Also, scales with 1,000-pound maximum capacities are more expensive than scales with 500-pound capacities.

for inquiries contact +256 705 577 823

digital platform scales, manufacturing and trading, platform weighing scales

Where can i get digital industrial platform weighing scales in Kampala Uganda?

Accurate Weighing Scales a call to make accommodations for a custom-made platform size. Keep in mind: the bigger the platform size, the higher the price will be. Also, scales with 1,000-pound maximum capacities are more expensive than scales with 500-pound capacities.

for inquiries contact +256 705 577 823